Bullying online.

Image from Cyberbullying: Crossing the line

Cyberbullying affects everyone.  In the video we watched on commonsensemedia.org, we looked at a common situation:  When people fight online, and how it can affect people,

If you are being bullied, online or inperson:
  • Collect evidence.  Get your story together.  If it is online, you can screenshot it.
  • Discuss with a trusted person.  Find someone with a cool head to help you figure out a course of action.  Any adult at Waupaca Middle School will help you!
  • Report it.  Most social media sites have methods for reporting users that are bullying or other non-socially appropriate activities.
Remember:  We all can live the Waupaca Way!  Treat everyone online with respect.  Use your integrity to do the right thing.  If you witness bullying online, report it.
